Need Help with Student Loan Repayment? Contact the Alumni Support-Financial Services!
A FREE service from Herzing University!
We also help thousands of former students with managing their student loans. We do our best to:
- Get you on the best repayment plan for your situation
- Assist you in getting payment amounts lowered if they are too high
- Provide options for postponing payments if you become unable to make them
- Provide information so you can contact your lender or loan servicer
- Assist with appropriate loan consolidation, forgiveness and discharge
- Help resolve student loan default and reinstate eligibility for federal student aid
- Answer any questions you may have about student loan repayment
We are not here to judge any person or situation, but rather to promote your success!
Alumni Support-Financial Services provides support and answers for all former students of Herzing University. We help with:
- Transcript requests
- Re-entering/Re-enrolling with Herzing University
- Getting in touch with Career Development Services
- Joining the Alumni Center
- Updating contact information
- Loan Forgiveness Options for Nursing and some other Healthcare Professionals
Contact Alumni Support:
Phone: 1-866-508-0748 x01353
Fax: 414-238-2736
Classes Start March 3rd
Learn More Today
Beware: Private companies may contact you with offers to help you with your student loans for a fee.
Remember, you never have to pay for help with your student loans. The U.S. Department of Education and their loan servicers will help you for free.
Call the FSA Loan Locator Line at 800-621-3115 or log in to your Federal Student Aid account at and select “My Aid” from the drop-down beneath your name in the upper right corner to view your student loan servicers and other details and make sure you don’t accidentally lose track of them.
You are also welcome to check out these cool tools for managing your federal student loans:
- Loan servicer contact info:
- Repayment plan options:
- Loan Simulator to choose best repayment plan for your situation:
- Loan consolidation:
- Public Service Loan Forgiveness:
- Other kinds of loan forgiveness, cancellation or discharge:
- Postponing or suspending payments:
- Loan delinquency and default:
- Resolving disputes:
To receive the best service possible, please make sure to update your contact information with Herzing University any time you change your mailing address or phone number!
Contact Alumni Support:
Phone: 1-866-508-0748 x01353
Fax: 414-238-2736